Thursday, June 19, 2008


Welcome one and all to the FREEDOM FILM SERIES BLOG! I am currently working on what the first real blog entry will be, but you should look forward to information and announcements about the various Freedom Film Series that are planned here at Freedom Regional Library. I've got some great stuff in the works for the Freedom Film Series and I hope we get a good crowd for each and every one. From time to time, I will also be posting reviews I have written for recent and not-so-recent films; most of which will be available in the PLCMC library collection. All in all, this blog, the film series, and my reviews are an attempt to get people to take a closer look at movies and recognize that they are more than just action, gore, and sex (most of them anyways). Movies have been one of this country's most potent art forms and cultural medium. It spans age ranges, gender, race, and, at crucial times in our country's history, been used as a way to make bold and powerful statements. On another level, I also want the community to realize how great of a cultural storehouse the public library really is. The public library is a place of learning, entertainment, community, and a place where culture is preserved in its many different forms. I am really looking forward to getting the Freedom Film Series up and running and I hope it will become something that the community looks forward to.

Until next time....

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